What Can Evergrande’s Unraveling Teach Us About China’s Credit Market, Real Estate Prices and Policy Making?
What Can Evergrande’s Unraveling Teach Us About China’s Credit Market, Real Estate Prices and Policy Making?
Jason Hsu, Ph.D.
Chairman & CIO
For the last few days, the press has claimed the imminent Evergrande bond default will create a financial crisis similar to what the Lehman collapse triggered 14 years ago. Let’s explore that.
There are certainly similarities. The 2007 GFC was fueled by an over-levered real estate sector, along with the institutions and investors who financed the irrational property bull run. Lehman was not alone, but it did trigger the avalanche that nearly swallowed the global financial ecosystem and debilitated the world economy. So, could Evergrande trigger something similar?
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